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How to Get Rid of Pimples Quick!

How to Get Rid of Pimples Quick!
Do you want to get rid of pimples quick?

It's always the same, you have an important event coming up, a photo shoot, a night out with the girls or a date. This is when you notice a pimple showing up on your face! at Spots are an extremely common skin issue for us all, it isn't surprising that they appear when we least expect them.

If you don't have time to wait until they go down on their own, we have a few quick suggestions on how to get rid of pimples quick, ahead of important plans:

How to Get Rid of Pimples Quick!

Try Some Ice To Help Get Rid Of Pimples Quick.

If your pimple is red and painful, ice can help soothe it. Place a single ice cube in a paper towel or cotton cloth and press it gently against the pimple for about 5 minutes. Avoid putting the ice directly onto your skin. This might hinder what you're trying to do and increase the amount of inflammation and redness in the area.

It's a great way to not only soothe the pesky zit, but can also help reduce the appearance of the pimple and alleviate the redness around it. Even if you only have a few minutes to spare before you need to head out of the door, give it a whirl!

How to Get Rid of Pimples Quick!

Make an Aspirin\Disprin Paste To Help Get Rid Of Pimples Quick.

We know this might sound a bit odd. But making a paste from a crushed up Disprin can help reduce swelling while helping with the pain of the pimple too. Aspirin contains salicylic acid, the same ingredient found in many exfoliators, creams, and other skincare products. So it can be great to use in a pinch.

Crush up a Disprin tablet into a fine powder. Add a small amount of water to make a thick paste. Apply this paste directly to the pimple and let it sit for up to 15 minutes. After, gently rinse the paste off of the area with warm water.

 You’ll hopefully notice a reduction in the redness, swelling, and pain of the spot. This may be just the quick fix remedy you need before meeting up with friends or family.

Reach for the Acne Treatment To Help Get Rid Of Pimples Quick.

If you have a little  more time before you need to look your very best. Reaching for your favorite acne treatment might be the best option. These products usually generally contain salicylic acid and other botanical ingredients that are specifically formulated to target the inflammation and swelling from zits. They may also provide better results when used over a longer period than the quick fixes will do.

CLEAR CELL clarifying acne spot treatment Shop online Image Skincare Ireland
We, at Image Skincare love our CLEAR CELL Clarifying Acne Spot Treatment when pimples spring up! If used well in advance, this 2% salicylic acid treatment can even help prevent acne blemishes, whiteheads and blackheads from forming on your skin.

It can also sooth sore and inflamed spots while also working to reduce redness and swelling around it. You’ll also notice a reduction of the size of your pores which helps prevent future breakouts from happening.

Relax with a Face Masque When Trying To Get Rid Of Pimples Quick.

Face masques are a fab way to enjoy the benefits of a facial cream or serum, without having to spend a lot of time rubbing your skin. Masques come in a varied range of different types: from clay masques to various chemical masques, to sheet masks.

How to Get Rid of Pimples Quick!

When it comes to masques, we stand behind our CLEAR CELL clarifying salicylic masque to help reduce the appearance of skin redness and other acne blemishes with gentle exfoliation. It contains 2% salicylic acid formula. It is great for removing excess oil buildup on your skin and clearing away dirt and skin cells from your clogged pores.

Image Skincare Ireland online stockist Clear Cell Clarifying Salicylic Masque

Depending on your skin type, you can find masques for oily skin as well as overly dry skin. There are masque formulas that specifically provide hydrating benefits, as well as some made to detox your skin from every pore.

Choose Your Favorite.

While there are many more  home remedies and potentially quick fixes for pimples, these four options are tried and true. Whether you need a quick fix now, or have a bit of time to plan ahead, making use of:

  • Ice
  • Asprin/Disprin
  • Standard Acne Treatments
  • Face Masques

They can all help assist you in getting rid of pimples quick!



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